Insulin Pumps

Tandem T-Slim Pump
Touch screen technology makes the T-Slim Pump easy to use. Smart phone-style interface delivers  features you expect from a smart insulin pump, but with one difference… we made them easy to find and easy to use.
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OneTouch Ping
Delivering just what you need to help you perform at your best every day, no matter what life—or diabetes—dishes out.
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With the OmniPod’s advanced insulin pump technology, you can sleep in, eat, exercise and just live your life more easily. So you’re no longer held back by your insulin schedule or tethered by a pump with tubing.
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MedTronic Mini Med
The Threshold Suspend feature automatically stops insulin delivery when sensor glucose values reach a preset low threshold. If you’re unable to respond to a Threshold Suspend alarm*, it can take action for you, pausing insulin delivery for up to 2 hours
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With a sensor needle that's more than 1/3 smaller than the next available brand, it's easy to see why users say our sensors are virtually painless, simple to use, and easy to wear.
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